Showing 1 - 25 of 365 Results
The Fauna of the Prybilov Islands. Abridged from the "Report on the Prybilov Group or Seal I... by Henry Wood Elliott, James E... ISBN: 9781241419172 List Price: $17.75
Notes to accompany a series of photographs designed to illustrate the ancient architecture o... by Edmund David. Lyon, James .... ISBN: 9781241703523 List Price: $19.75
Sixteen Years At The University Of Illinois: A Statistical Study Of The Administration Of Pr... by Filbey, E. J., Stopp, Geral... ISBN: 9781164127550 List Price: $23.16
James Mackintosh's Vindiciae Gallicae by Garratt, Edmund, MacKintosh... ISBN: 9780230525399 List Price: $69.95
Africa as seen by its explorers. Edited by E. J. Webb, etc. by Edmund James Webb ISBN: 9781241520472 List Price: $28.75
Abraham Lincoln Today; a War-Time Tribute, Being the Lincoln Day Convocation of the Universi... by Langdon, William Chauncy, U... ISBN: 9781175012791 List Price: $17.75
Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois; a Statistical Study of the Administration of Pr... by James, Edmund J. 1855-1925 ISBN: 9781176002272 List Price: $29.75
Spenser's Faerie Queene a Poem in Six Books; with the Fragment Mutabilitie Ed by Thomas J Wi... by Spenser, Edmund, Wise, Thom... ISBN: 9781171884804 List Price: $33.75
Spenser's Faerie Queene a Poem in Six Books; with the Fragment Mutabilitie Ed by Thomas J Wi... by Spenser, Edmund, Wise, Thom... ISBN: 9781171883982 List Price: $32.75
Spenser's Faerie Queene a Poem in Six Books; with the Fragment Mutabilitie Ed by Thomas J Wi... by Spenser, Edmund, Wise, Thom... ISBN: 9781171882541 List Price: $31.75
Spenser's Faerie Queene a Poem in Six Books; with the Fragment Mutabilitie Ed by Thomas J Wi... by Spenser, Edmund, Wise, Thom... ISBN: 9781171882503 List Price: $28.75
Movement for Industrial Education and the Establishment of the University 1840-1870 with an ... by Powell, Burt Eardley, James... ISBN: 9781172526253 List Price: $49.75
Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois; a Statistical Study of the Administration of Pr... by James, Edmund J. 1855-1925 ISBN: 9781176990289 List Price: $29.75
Abraham Lincoln Today; a War-Time Tribute, Being the Lincoln Day Convocation of the Universi... by Langdon, William Chauncy, J... ISBN: 9781177117333 List Price: $17.75
Abraham Lincoln Today; a War-Time Tribute, Being the Lincoln Day Convocation of the Universi... by Langdon, William Chauncy, J... ISBN: 9781177532389 List Price: $17.75
Federal Constitution of Switzerland by James, Edmund J. 1855-1925 ISBN: 9781177837651 List Price: $17.75
British Animals Extinct Within Historic Times : With Some Account of British Wild White Catt... by Harting, James Edmund, Wolf... ISBN: 9781165312450 List Price: $24.76
British Animals Extinct Within Historic Times : With Some Account of British Wild White Catt... by Harting, James Edmund, Wolf... ISBN: 9781165322329 List Price: $36.76
Education of Business Men, 1-2 : An Address Before the Convention of the American Bankers' A... by James, Edmund J., James, Ed... ISBN: 9781165344802 List Price: $24.76
City Government of Philadelphi : A Study in Municipal Administration (1893) by Member Senior Class Wharton... ISBN: 9781165791972 List Price: $23.16
City Government of Philadelphi : A Study in Municipal Administration (1893) by Member Senior Class Wharton... ISBN: 9781165849819 List Price: $35.16
Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois : A Statistical Study of the Administration of P... by Filbey, E. J., Stopp, Geral... ISBN: 9781164326892 List Price: $35.16
Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc. v. Chagois (Joseph) U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record ... by JAMES J COX, EDMUND E WOODLEY ISBN: 9781270627869 List Price: $30.99
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